When reading and meditating on Psalm 1:1-6 it reveals two kinds of people, the righteous and the wicked.  Word commentary points out, the righteous have God’s protection and the wicked are doomed.  It is presented in a way that both are a natural outcome of a way of life which has been chosen.  


There is wisdom in this Psalm where the righteous are mindful of their daily choices because they have a healthy and respectful fear of God. They acknowledge that in their daily choices it is vital to be connected to God and seek to avoid evil and learn how to live from God’s word.  Craige, P. C. (1983). Psalm 1-50 (Vol. 19, pp. 58-62). Dallas: Word, Incorporated.


God has given us a manual for living which are the Scriptures.  Spending time in his word, talking with Him in prayer, and being in community with fellow believers are key elements in allowing God to enter into your thoughts, emotions and behaviors daily.  This in turn allows you to be on the course of living a righteous life, like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season.